Calculate the effective concentration of your sample in the concentrations you require by adding additional calculations.

Please Note: Effective concentrations are always calculated for all multi-dose Test samples.

Examples of EC50 with PLA 3.0

The following images show effective concentration calculations for a Test sample.

Example report of a Effective Concentration Calculation with PLA 3.0

  • Example report of a Effective Concentration Calculation with PLA 3.0 174 KB
    This report is intended to show the capabilities of the Dose-Response Analysis Package for PLA 3.0 for calculating effective concentrations. It contains (artificial) observations for one standard sample and two test samples with measurements taken in triplicate at eight concentrations along a two-fold geometric sequence each. For each sample, a four-parameter logistic curve is fitted to the data. Effective concentrations and EC50 ratios are calculated, and suitability tests are evaluated. The three samples in this document also showcase three different ways to define the concentration of a sample: 1. By defining the stock solution of the analyte (Curve 1) 2. By defining the initial concentration of your dilution sequence (Curve 2) 3. By defining the concentration of the raw material used for stock solution preparation (Curve 3)