The PLA software includes access to our in-house statistical and scientific support team* (mathematicians, biostatisticians, and (bio-)chemists) with a target response time of one business day. The PLA Support Portal is the fastest and most convinient way to get support. To reach our support team, we implemented our simple and user-friendly support system that makes sure you get your answer within a short period. You will receive e-mail notifications whenever the status of your ticket changes. An overview of all of your tickets is also available.

How to open a ticket?

  1. Log in or sign up at our support portal:
  2. On the right side, click 'New support ticket'
  3. Fill out the 'Submit a ticket' form
  4. Click 'Submit'

How to check your ticket status?

  1. Log in at our support portal:
  2. On the right side, click 'Check ticket status'

How to answer, comment, or ask a follow-up question?

  1. Log in at our support portal:
  2. On the right side, click 'Check ticket status'
  3. Select the ticket in question
  4. Scroll down to the end of your ticket and click 'Click here to reply to this ticket'
  5. Write your answer, comment, or question
  6. Click 'Reply'

Business hours

Monday to Friday UTC 6 a.m. - 4 p.m.
We are not available on German national holidays
Jan 01, New Year's Day
Mar 29, Good Friday
Mar 31, Easter Sunday
Apr 01, Easter Monday
May 01, Labour Day
May 09, Ascension Day 
Jun 19, Whit Sunday
Jun 20, Whit Monday
Jun 30, Corpus Christi
Oct 03, Day of German Unity
Dec 24, Christmas Eve
Dec 25, Christmas Day
Dec 26, Boxing Day
Dec 31, New Year's Eve

*Scientific and statistical support are considered 2nd level support and are only available for users with an active PLA Support Contract
We handle your request right here in our company headquarters in Germany
We are using Teamviewer ( for remote demonstration and support