The Control Chart function is now delivered as a Package to the PLA 3.0.5 framework.
The Control Chart Package* allows sophisticated statistical process control by plotting Shewhart I-Charts as recommended in the USP <1010>. Out-of-control data can be detected by defining upper / lower control limits and control rules (Western Electric, Nelson, and user-defined). A status display provides feedback about the impact of a rule violation. Optional features include events to mark changes in the process, sidecharts to contain basic statistics in a box plot, the creation of subcharts for a specific range, and confidence intervals. Moreover, a secondary column can be used to factorize the data series e.g. by an operator. Measurements can be aggregated directly from independent assay runs or from manual input. Read more about the Control Chart Package
*Please note: The current version of the package is a technology preview. It has not been released yet and has not been finally qualified for use. How to activate the technology preview?